Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Baby shoes, oh my!

So a good friend mine recently had a baby. A sweet, sweet little baby girl. And what every girl needs is shoes, right??

So I made her a couple of pairs of shoes. A pair of white vinyl Mary Janes...

...and gray wool kitty cat shoes.

These were made with patterns from Precious Patterns. There are a lot of shoe patterns and tutorials out there, but I was struck with how absolutely CUTE their designs all are. The instructions were easy to follow and the sizing seemed to be just about spot on.



Denise Felton said...

Oh, my gosh! Those are the cutest EVER. I want the kitty shoes so bad, and there aren't even any babies in my life! (Oh, wow. I hope I haven't jinxed myself.)

ScrapbookDBA said...


I want some kitty shoes for myself!


Debbie Nelson said...

Precious!!! You are so talented!