A pink halter from hot pink t-shirt knit. It was actually a bit of a sleevecap left over from a t-shirt refashion. And the skirt is from a rectangle of fabric left over from my x-o-x-o-x tablerunner project.
I have a feeling that I like making the doll clothes more than Liv likes playing with them. Sometimes I get started and I just. can't. stop. making. them... It's a combination of the small size (uses up my scraps!) and the over-the-top girliness which means I don't have to worry so much about good taste. If it's hot pink and has ribbon or sparkles, it's hip for a Groovy Girl.
I've been toying around with the idea of sharing some of my Groovy Girl patterns online. Is this something anyone else would be interested in?

I just found your blog and would love to see some of those patterns. I sew, but at this time in my life with 2 three year olds and a seven year old I find little time to design the patterns. If you have any you are willing to share I would be so thankful. kerryhanby@cox.net
WHY weren't you designing for Groovy Girls when my daughters were collecting them! Really -- the dolls are so cute. They deserve Annie-designed outfits!
And I happen to know a little red-haired niece with Groovy Girls who might need her old auntie to stitch up a few glam duds... :)
Adorable outfit!! If I had a girl to sew for, I would be very interested in getting my hands on your patterns. But, alas, I only have boys. I think you should make your patterns available, and for the girls with Mamas who don't sew, make up some extra outfits and put them in your Etsy shop! Then you can make as much as you want, using up all the scraps you have, and who cares if Liv wants to play with something else?
I would love a pattern! I've tried to make doll clothes in the past, but it was a flop. We have a groovy girl who definitely use some new clothes...
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