In the end, fabric storage inspiration didn't exactly hit me in the face like I was hoping. Instead, it kind of tapped gently and gingerly on my shoulder saying in a timid little voice, "Ummm... I think maybe if you put these pieces in a box together, ummm... it might be a little bit better than it was. That is, if it's not too much trouble for you, cause, umm.... I might be wrong about this."
So rather than a photo of some eye candy stack of fabric all neatly folded and organized, I'll give you a quick description. Same fabrics, but sorted and in stacked plastic tubs rather than spilled out all over the floor. Not earthshattering, but it gets my studio back to being functional again. (I'm still not finished; plan on being there by this time tomorrow night.)
On a totally unrelated note, I just had to share some of Liv's homework. The teacher asks them to write a "story" on the back of their worksheets - basically just three sentences all about one theme. Usually it goes something like, "I like cats. Cats are the best. Yay for cats!" Every now and then she gets creative and we get some real winners.
Like these....

"My mom has a mine (mini) van. I rid to scool in it. I love mine vans!" I love her illustration of the mini-van. She's got the pointed nose shape DOWN. What you can't see in the scan is that there's a body all slammed up against the pointy windshield. That's me. And the picture of her in the side has her wearing a seatbelt. Safety first.

For this assignment she had to write three sentences using her spelling words, which included "you", "not", "sit", and "do". So of course she strung them all together and wrote, "Do you not wat (want) to sit and do your homwrk? No I dot (don't). I do not like homwrk."
And finally, a set of sentences about her daddy.

"My dad plas goof (plays golf). he uoosis (uses) a cluB. he pas (plays) Good."

Awwww. Livvie rocks. And so do you.
Awww, what a cutie your little one is. I recently came across writings of mine from years ago. They mean even more now than they did then. :)
Stumbling across your blog today made me smile. Thanks.
Hi Anne
Thank you SO much for your wonderful encouragement and advice. I got stuck in with my machine and now absolutely love it. I tried making a few things ( and one of my next projects is going to the scarf you recommended!
Really appreciated you taking the time to share your knowledge!
Just had to come back to say you totally inspired me with your sewing advice to the point that ten days after plugging my machine in I have launched The Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap!
We have participants signed up from three continents already. Amazing how far a bit of encouragement can take you - thank you SO much!
PS love your blog
For Pc Hacks,
For funny stuffs,
yay! I am so happy that I found your blog! I keep meaning to ask you for the link, or check your bio on Craft Gossip, but I tracked you down through a comment you posted somewhere instead. lol I'm not a stalker, promise. :)
And how cool that we both have food themes as our blog names?
Did that sound stalkerish? lol
Thanks for popping in...your story was entertaining to say the least....made me feel a bit!~ Have a great weekend.
Anne, I appreciate you featuring my daughter Emily of Super Stitches over at Craft Gossip. I wanted you to be aware that the link to her blog is wrong. It goes to Shiny Things Blog. The correct link for Emily's blog is
I'll have the pics up from the photo shoot of my latest skirt on Monday. See you then.
Liv is awesome.. Hugs to her..
Oh my Anne. I hadn't realized you were back blogging here again. You've been so busy. I like your new look blog and I love Livvie's homework! Goodness she's growing up, it happens so fast :)
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