Even though my fabric stash runneth over, I couldn't resist the siren song of spring rummage sales. I allowed myself to go to two sales last week, which was all kinds of self control because yard sales were all over the city that week, people. The first was mainly clothes and everything was priced as "fill a bag for $5". And fill a bag I did. With books and old t-shirts for refashioning. At the second, it seems that not everyone was on the same page with the pricing structure. But I dug around and found the cheapie t-shirts, as well as some vinyl make-up- bags at 10 cents each. I plan on cutting the vinyl into applique shapes for t-shirts and such.

Three long-sleeved tees

Two sweaters

Odd strapless dress (ties in the back)

Ugly chenille sweater (to make swiffer cloths)

An assortment of short-sleeved tees and tanks

Kid-sized pajama pants with a fun scooter print

Vinyl make-up bags, scarves, and necklace with gold-painted wooden beads

And a stack of books - some for reading and some for crafting.
Oh, and new short sleeved blouse for me. (not pictured because I wore it for three days this week and now it's in the laundry)
All for a total of $6.70. I've already used some of the t-shirts to make a couple of dresses for Liv. Will post pics tomorrow.
And now for a bit of a progress report on the fireplace.
Mantel is built.

Sheetrock is up.

I'm loving it already! This weekend we'll have to finish floating the sheetrock and then paint the wall above the fireplace to match the walls around. After that, I get to bust out the chalkboard paint to give the wall NEXT to the fireplace a bit of a redo. and then... and then... and then...
Great finds and I LOVE the fireplace!
What a clever idea on the fireplace ... it's going to make your room appear to be even bigger!
Tony is such a great hubby!
Great solution for your fireplace. I cannot wait to see your new bright, cheery dining room. Love the idea of a huge chalk board wall as well.
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Hi...Thanks for the feature on graftgossip.com. That was a super honor!!! I'm so excited!!
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