Saturday, January 16, 2010

It's a losing battle...

...and let me show you why.

Last week I made a patchwork hat for Liv. With all of the piecing and the lining and the pompom, I think I used up say.... 24" x 40" area of fabric?

And then the next day I had dinner with the family, and my stepmother hands me a bag of fabric and patterns left over from when she was making her granddaughter (Liv's step-cousin?) some American Girl doll clothes.

She gave me a pile of fleece. (The blue on top is actually craft felt.)

Some vintage prints. There's also a quilted stripe but I had already started a project with that when I took the pic.

And some patterns. There are three more Simplicity patterns that aren't pictured.

And also some small D-rings and about 18" of velcro.

Oh, and my sister gave me an assortment of old buttons she scored at an estate sale.

Let's put this side by side, shall we? The pile on the left is all my new fabric. That small folded up thing on the right is the fabric that left the studio in the form of a completed project.

The good news is that I've found a home for the fleece. The mama of one of Liv's friends was saying that she loved sewing with polar fleece. "Oh, fleece? You want some more?" Hehehe.



  1. I'm losing ground, too. What can we do? Quit our jobs and sew full time? If we did that, people would just redoubled their efforts to keep us supplied. We would die of exhaustion with our heads on our sewing machines.

  2. Your sister working estate sales is both a blessing and a curse, isn't it?
