Thursday, January 10, 2008

I've lost my sexy legs, dagnabbit!!

Not that my legs were ever that sexy...

Last night I experimented with making masks from transparency sheets. The idea came about from a series of convos with Denise on Etsy. (You ALWAYS inspire me, Denise!) Masks are basically like a reverse stencil. You cut a mask to the shape you want (or purchase one already made) and lay it down on a piece of paper. Then, you can sponge or stamp or paint all over the paper, making sure that you go over the edges of the mask. When you remove the mask, your image is there in the space that hasn't been colored.

I had this big idea to cut a mask from a page of the Victoria's Secret catalog. A pair of very shapely legs in some very tall, very high-heeled slutty boots. I put it down on a page from an old book, and sponged and painted around it.

I got just that one use out of it. Denise came over this afternoon to pick up some heart molds I snagged for her from Target, and I was going to show off the sexy legs mask. But when I got to my craft table, they were nowhere to be found! Not on the table. Not below the table. Not stuck to the bottom of any boxes on the table. Not anywhere. Gone. Gone. Gone. Somehow my sexy legs disappeared in the night.

Doesn't help that the thing is completely clear. From now on, I will mark all over with my transparency masks with a Sharpie marker. And put them away when I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. I still think it's going to turn up. If you want to be sure that it does, just make another one identical to it. It will pop into sight as soon as you're done. :) And then you can give one of them to ME!!! heh heh heh
