Thursday, January 10, 2008

Etsy word: Scrabble

This week's word is "scrabble." Idyllhands suggested that we eliminate scrabble tiles from our game this week, making the word much more of a challenge.

Denise sent examples of items using a crab image. What a cool connection to make! It's both a play on words (sCRABble) and also in keeping with the part of the definition that says to scrabble is, "to scrape or scratch with the hands or feet."

Idyllhands took the scribble-scrabble approach, sending links to items with scribbles as their main element. (Actually, the first two items were ones that I had also chosen. Great minds, huh?)

As for me, when I first saw that "scrabble" was the word for the week, I immediately thought of the term, "hard scrabble," or a very impoverished existence. This item, titled "Trailer Trash" would be an example of hard scrabble roots:

One of the definitions of scrabble was "to proceed by clawing with the hands and feet; to scramble." So, here are a couple of examples of someone scrambling. First, scrambling out of the crib and second, scrambling to the top of the corporate ladder. I found this picture to be so fitting of the corporate culture. If I was still a corporate warrior, I would SO be putting this print up in my little gray cubicle.

And finally, this fun print is so full of energy. The colors and shapes go every which way, kind of a scrabble of shape and color.
So that wraps up this week's Etsy word! Check back on Monday for a new word to use as inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. This is so FUN! I love seeing all the different interpretations of the word. Can't wait till Monday!
