Monday, August 23, 2010

Make last minute wrapping cute with scrapbook paper

Yesterday was my mother's birthday. Even though we had planned in advance for a little birthday cookie/coffee time, it totally slipped my mind until that morning that I hadn't addressed the issue of a birthday present.

And of course, when you run around town all morning looking for a last-minute birthday present that doesn't suck, then you're also left with last-minute birthday present wrapping. Keep in mind that my sister always has the most beautifully packaged presents for people, usually wrapped in vintage wrapping paper and embellished with cute-as-a-button vintage tags or ribbons.

So how to make my last-minute gift and my last-minute wrapping not look like the pitiful stepchild?

Easy! Just bust out the scrapbook paper scraps, your Sharpie, and your gluestick. Oh, and a pair of scissors, too.

Instead of seeing the present as a 3D object, look at it as a blank canvas.

Draw and cut out a fun kitty cat. And maybe a thought bubble. And a cupcake, of course. It IS a birthday after all.

Don't worry if you "can't draw". I "can't draw" either. But somehow "can't draw"-ing always looks cute when done in a Sharpie on patterned paper.

Glue your picture down, and add some happy words. Voila!

Liv was so excited when I showed her how I had wrapped her present for her Nan. On the way to Nan's house, she asked me, "Mom.... Will Nan be careful when she unwraps the present?"


  1. Freakin brilliant. I wish I can't draw like you can't draw.

  2. Stunning! Wish I had thought of that. My brain is wishing for a playdate with your brain for some creative scrapping time. I've started Lane in preschool on M, W, F, but if desired, I could make him go on Tu or Th that week, so I've got kid free time 3 days a week!!

  3. hey casserole :)

    i'm a new visitor here and thought i'd drop you a line before leaving. i had fun browsing through your projects. i really like the wrapping job here, and i had to laugh at denise's comment above about drawing.

    hehe.. well done!

