Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mama Kitty went to the park with us today

Mama Kitty went with us to the park today.

She did a little bit of hiking.

She got thirsty, so she had a drink of water.

She found a good spot to pitch a tent, then pulled out a good book.

When she got tired of sitting in her tent to read, she pulled out a camp chair.

Then she built a campfire and curled up for a good night's sleep. Night-night, Mama Kitty!

In case you're wondering what's up with all the stuffed animal photos, they're all part of a photo book project Liv and I are working on. The story will be about Mama Kitty, Liv's favorite little stuffed animal since she was a baby. (Can you see how much poor Mama Kitty has been loved over the years?) I'm fairly happy with how the photos turned out - now to weave a story around them!



  1. How CUTE!! I used to make Gracie books all about Gracie when she was little... just made up stories (like Princess Gracie and the Dragon) with photos of her playing dress up.

    I really should do more... and I bet they'd love if I made them about their favorite stuffed animals! You are a genius!

  2. I love this so hard, it gave me tears. You've got one honkin brain, chickadee. And, apparently, unending energy. Livvie is so lucky to have you for her mom.

  3. That is cute! You really are a great mom to help Liv out with projects like this :)
