Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Bloggin' Resolution

So it should be no surprise what my New Year's Bloggin' Resolution is going to be. That is, if you notice that the last post before this one was this summer. Maaaaan, I'm a bad blogger!! I do tons of blogging over at Craft Gossip, but that's all focused on what other people are doing. My personal blog is where I get to show off what comes out of my studio and what's going on in my crazy life. Sooo.... this year I'm going to focus on giving more attention to ye olde Casserole Blog. Say, at least two posts and one project a week? That should be doable, no?

And to start it off, I'll show off a little number I whipped up for Liv this morning. This morning, noon, and early afternoon to be honest.

Santa brought these killer red and white boots to her, but we didn't have a thing to match. Can't have that, can we?

Anyway, last night a friend of mine gave me a hand-me-down long sleeved knit shirt. At first I was going to make it into a fitted shirt for myself, but then I pictured it on Liv as an A-line dress with a dropwaist, button placket, and little fake pocket flap.

I think it turned out pretty darn cute.



  1. Wow! That's really adorable! I love the outfit. The boots are killer, but the dress is even better! I think I need to make a blogging resolution too. I'll be watching your blog to see if you follow through with yours :0)

  2. oh my goodness. she could be on a runway in new york. those boots are insanely fashionable.I want a pair in my size.

    thanks for stopping by my blog and posting the tutorial on craft gossip:) that makes my day!

  3. "Those boots just keep on walking" so cute, and the dress you made to match is fabulous.

    btw - Love your blogging resolution Janna!

  4. I'm so glad to see your blog back up and crafting!R.

  5. Adorable! I love it. She's getting so tall. : )

  6. Those are the cutest boots EVER. Of course you had to make a dress to match!!!

    I'm making a blog resolution, too; but I'm not nearly so ambitious as you. My goal is to post SOMEthing every week. So far, I'm only two weeks behind. :)
