Monday, January 4, 2010

65 Roses quilt block

Have you seen Whip Up's call for donations to the 65 Roses charity quilt project? Kath_red from Whip Up is collected quilt blocks made with a rose embellishment. They'll be sewn together into a quilt that will then be auctioned off at a gala benefit in Canberra, Australia to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis.
When I saw the announcement, I knew I had to contribute something. My dear dear friends Debbie and Kimberly lost their daughter/niece Jennifer to Cystic Fibrosis several years ago. In spite of everything she had to endure, Jennifer maintained a sunny disposition and an optimism that inspired everyone she knew. This block was made in honor of Jennifer, her mother Debbie, and her aunt Kimberly.

The upper lefthand block is made from linen, repurposed from a jumper that my mother gave me. (Gawd, it was a hideous jumper but it's made a ton of cool craft projects!!) The rosette is made from a scrap left over from a sweater refashion for my daughter. I just cut a curved strip of it and stitched and flipped and turned and coiled and stitched more until it made a little rosette shape. I had a turqouise button all picked out for the center, but the rosette ended up looking better without it.

Here's a close-up of the flower. I love the dimension of it! And the sweater knit is soooo soft....

You can see some 65 Roses quilt blocks that others have made at the 65 Roses Quilt for Charity flickr group.


  1. Wow Anne! That is beautiful. Thank you so much for making that donation!

    Wish I could take it in person to Austrailia! :)

  2. Anne, it is gorgeous...thank you sooo much!

  3. Fabulous! It is beautiful, Anne. What a wonderful way to give.

  4. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  5. Oh, my goodness! The block is lovely, and I love love love the project. You are a goddess, truly.
