Thursday, March 26, 2009

I think I created a monster...

...though I don't think I mind in the least.

Tony just walked in the room from tucking Miss Liv into bed, and reported that she had tried to curl up under her dolly quilt. And then he says, "I think I may have started something I shouldn't have... but I asked her if she liked that quilt so much, did she think maybe she needed to make a girl-sized quilt with mommy. And she said yes."

I'm not sure what makes me happier. That my girl wants to make take on a girl-sized quilt, or that my dear husband is so supportive.

Life is good,


  1. So adorable! I can't wait to see what you two come up with! I just know that Liv is going to design an awesome quilt!

  2. I love Tony. And Livvie. And you.

    So are you going to let Miss O start sketching design ideas today?

  3. AH - that's sweet!

    I look forward to seeing what mother and daughter creations you make!

  4. Well, she is already a fabric hound, isn't she? And a quilt designer to boot. How cute that she wants to quilt with you!

  5. That's so sweet! Have fun creating :)

    Thanks for posting my tutorial to craftgossip -- I'm so flattered!

  6. thanks for posting to Craft Gossip!

  7. Hi Anne, thanks for linking me to craft gossip.
    you daughter is very cute, how old is she?
