Monday, February 16, 2009

Busy, busy week

Okay, so I kinda dropped off the face of the planet for a week. We hosted a baby shower at my house yesterday and the preparations took over my life. It was all kind of craftiness getting ready for it, but I'm ashamed to say that I got so busy that I didn't get any pictures of the final result! (I'm hoping Denise or Scarlett got one???)

I'll post later with more details. Right now I'm kind of braindead with the post crafting/party letdown.

Oh, and guess what came in the mail Saturday??? The Orange Dreamsicle print from Marisa!!! It's going to hang over my computer desk. Off to the frame store to find something that will do this justice....



  1. I'm so glad you visited my blog and let me know that I had received a little shout out. Totally made my day! I love your plans for the doll quilt. Can't wait to see it completed! :) Melissa

  2. Welcome back! I've noticed a dearth of posts from a lot of my cyber-friends lately... you're in good company. :)

  3. photos. Charlotte was wandering around with a camera, though. Maybe she'll share with us. Y'all's crafty goddessness deserves to be memorialized. Such a beautiful event!

  4. This is the only way I can contact you and Just wanted to say thanks for your comments on my Bin Bag Tutu! I am really into recycling and repurposing at present. SO thanks

  5. Thank you so much for your super sweet comment today - so happy you like them!!! And thanks in advance for the plug, I really appreciate it! xoMarichelle

  6. How's that quilt coming along?
