Monday, January 26, 2009

Orange Dreamsicle print

OMG, check out ElegantBloggery's Orange Dreamscicle Cupcake print!

And get this - it's coming to yours truly! YESSSSSSSSS!!!! A while back she hosted a contest to come up with a flavor for a new cupcake print, and if there's one thing I know, it's sweets. I suggested an Orange Dreamsicle cupcake, and that was the one she chose. I am so flippin' excited!! I can't wait to hang my new art print above my desk. It'll be like guilt-free, calorie-free indulgence all day long.

If you want one of Marisa's prints for your own self, check out her Etsy shop. Her prints are lovely!


  1. OMG, I am so freakin jealous! You get everything! I'm coming to your house to sit and have some quiet, private time with your print.

  2. You are nothing short of BRILLIANT and I couldn't not illustrate an Orange Dreamsicle cupcake after reading your contest entry.

