Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Aprons and antennae and stars

I think I'm in denial right now. I've finally gotten some free time after all of the end of semester-Christmas-pillow madness and I'm being rather selfish with it. I haven't blogged. I haven't commented on blogs. I haven't even thanked all my friends/relatives for the Christmas presents I've received. I'm just being bad, enjoying all of the fun of being a true stay-at-home mom, rather than a stay-at-home mom with a part-time job. Of course, that all ends next week with the beginning of the new semester, but I've still got a few days to pretend I have no responsibilities outside of my four walls.

But even though I've been hiding out from the outside world, we've stayed pretty busy at our house. Liv's been practicing sewing on my big sewing machine and amassing her own fabric stash. She's also developing the fabric hoarding tendencies, as evidenced by her inability to cut into her charm squares in order to make a dolly quilt. She actually hid them from me rather than having to use any of them in a project. "But they're so pretty," she said, "and if I use them up then I won't have them any more."

Luckily, her Aunt Scarlett gave her a yard cut of a piece of fabric this weekend, which allowed her to use some of it and hoard the rest. So yesterday we completed her first real sewing project - a very simple half-apron.

And of course after we made the apron we had to make cookies. Too bad I got sidetracked and put in only half of the flour. Cookies didn't exactly turn out that good.

After the apron sewing project, she decided to create he own Word Girl costume. Word Girl wears a space helmet; Liv used a bicycle helmet. Word Girl has a star on her shirt; Olivia had me cut out a star which she colored red and taped on to her own shirt. "There are 5 points and I have 2 pieces [of tape] already, so that means I need 3 more." Then she made the antenna and taped it to the top of the helmet.
Here she is doing her Word-Girl-in-flight pose.

I know it looks... ummm... phallic? Even more reason to take tons of pictures. This is SO blackmail for her teenage years.

Later, Liv figured out that she could pull up the webpage with a picture of Word Girl and check to be sure she had everything just right. Turns out Word Girl doesn't have an antenna at all; that's some guy named Huggy Face??? So the big penis came off of the helmet and got taped to the top of a stuffed kitty that she was pretending whas this Huggy Face character. So now we have a black & white stuffed kitty with a penis on his head sitting in our living room.
Yeah, we're classy like that.


  1. Oh man...I look just like Word Girl (minus the whole snug fitting costume)! Now I need to make a (less snug fitting middle aged mom appropriate) costume with my sewing machine that I'm afraid of, but shamefully inspired after seeing Liv's talents!

  2. You made me laugh really hard with this. You typed penis in a post about your daughter.

    That is so wrong yet soooooo hilarious.

    Thank you for that, I needed a laugh.

  3. LOL!! This post needed a spew alert!

  4. her serious look in that last photo... she and my boy would be GREAT playmates! He wears his character pajamas and halloween costumes to daycare. yeah, not for halloween... just because. He's got LOTS of self-esteem.

  5. You know how everybody says LOL? You made me actually laugh out loud. And snort a little bit.

    Go, Livvie! Go, Livvie! I love that her play is so freakin creative and...educational. Math! Really! And I'm more than impressed that you turned your little chickadee loose on a real sewing machine. We need to see every little detail of Miss O's apron! You are Super Mommy!

  6. Next time a warning: Don't drink hot tea while viewing/reading this post! Hurts to laugh with hot tea spilling out of one's mouth! No really, it does.

    BTW, Happy new year!

  7. Maybe she's created her own super heroine..."penis-head girl" to the rescue!!!!!!

  8. hahahahahaha - Oh My! I think I may have peed myself a little!

  9. Aprons and antennae and stars, OH MY!

    And I totally snorted my coffee. Hilarious! And what a creative little thing.
