Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A new venture for me

Lately my crafting pursuits have been taking me deeper and deeper into the world of fabric. Really I guess I should say I've been pulled -back- into fabric, since really that's where a lot of my crafting obsession originated.

Anyway, this pull back into sewing has gotten me reading all sorts of sewing blogs. I have no idea how many blogs I subscribe to in my Google reader now, but I have a feeling it borders on being obscene. I spend far too many otherwise productive hours of the day trolling the blogs seeing what everyone's been sewing while I've been, well, trolling the blogs seeing what everyone's been sewing.

Which brings me to my newest venture.... Yesterday I started at Craft Gossip as their Sewing editor. Don't believe me? Here's a link to the sewing blog itself. See the little picture at that top right? That's me!!!! (Sorry, I'm just a little bit excited...)

Feel free to subscribe to it with your own Google reader accounts. Hint, hint. :)



  1. Congrats! I love craft gossip...and your blog. I will for sure be adding it to my list of blogs to read!

  2. CraftGossip is SO LUCKY to get you! You go girl!

  3. Fantastic! Seems like a good fit with all your other pursuits. It's day after Christmas so I'm finally getting a chance to catch up on a bit of blog reading - clearly I've been missing alot!!!
