Thursday, November 27, 2008


If the only prayer you ever said was, "Thank you," that would suffice.
--Meister Eckhart

Looking at my blog history I'm seeing that it's been 10 DAYS since my last post... OUCH.
Here's a little peek at what we've been working on the last few days. I think this is one of my favorite projects I've ever done with Olivia. It's a garland of things that little girl is thankful for.
She put so much of herself into this project. We spent one afternoon to cut the leaves, one night to paint them, one morning to write the words and create the garland. She's really getting into writing letters now, so I let her write the words herself.

And close-ups of each of the leaves showing what she's thankful for:

Paper and hearts

Dad and mom


Yellow (her fave color)

Friends (note the upside down F)


a close-up of the smaller leaves

Ever thankful for all the gifts in my life,


  1. Oh, my goodness. I'm thankful for Livvie. And for you!

  2. What a beautiful project, thanks for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Oh what a fantastic Thanksgiving project! I think I'm going to have to snatch that one from you for next year!

    And I'm thankful for Yellow too - it IS the best color after all!

  4. this is the most divine mommy/daughter project I've EVER SEEN!!!! There are keepsakes, and there are treasures - this is a perfect treasure. Can't wait until G-man can write!!!

  5. What fun...also will make a great scrapbook page. She is growing up so fast...cherish every moment!

  6. so beautimous!
    Thanks for your ever-loving mamagirl crafting ideas!

  7. Right up my street! Absolutely beautiful. Oh how I miss the thankful day, we don't have them in our neck of the woods of course. Every year I say we'll celebrate anyway but with school and all (not a holiday for us) it doesn't seem to happen.
    Little Livvie writes beautifully!
