Sunday, October 12, 2008

oh yeah, my blog...

I just realized that it's been over 10 DAYS since I posted! I got a little wrapped up in our family vacation, which is a good thing. We got home this past Wednesday afternoon, and now I'm playing catch up and generally being lazy.

The good news is that I did get the baby blanket finished, and I think it's pretty darn beautiful if I say so myself. I'll post pics tomorrow, along with a few more from our vacation...


  1. LOL, just enjoy yourself! I'm always too exhausted after a vacation to do anything but veg out. Looking forward to seeing more photos!!

  2. yeah, what Denise said, but make it a double "hmmph". So there.
    I just can't believe it when people neglect their blogs....haha
    Those who live in glass blogs should not throw stones.
