Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The phone call that ended my art day

Little girl has started going to preschool THREE FULL DAYS A WEEK. (Can you tell I'm lovin' that fact?) True, it makes it harder for us to get to the park or go to story time at the library as often, but it does mean that mama's getting some good crafting time.

On Monday, my friend Jennifer (and her sweet little baby girl) came over to play with more acetate collage. She made smaller pieces to use as coasters. (I'll be making some of these for my Etsy shop in the near future.) I decided I'd venture from the all-over pattern thing to making actual little pictures. I made two of them, but they're still kind of in process.

They both need to be cropped down to a useful size (5x7?) and I'm thinking about embellishing them further, ala Denise. The quote on the second collage is not glued down - I'm still toying with different placements for it. It reads "She hasn't really changed much, Betsy thought. She's terribly important, and rich, and she knows everybody, and she's beautiful, but she wishes he had what I've got."
I'm still trying to wrap my head around how to photo these. Between the glitter and the transparency, they're so shiny that any time I get a straight-on shot they get a glare from an overhead light or the sun or just because they feel like it.

Anyways, the day ended very abruptly. I had finished my second collage and was holding Jennifer's little baby girl while she finished up her project, and the phone rang. It went something like this:

Me: Hello?
Caller: This is Mary at school. Were you planning on picking up Olivia today?
Me: Oh, crap. What time is it?

So the glitter orgy was over and I raced out of the house like a crazy woman. Bad mama, bad bad mama, forgetting your child cause you were having so much fun with crafts.


  1. hahahahahaha

    I forgot Rachel at kindergarten. Twice. I swear it wasn't my fault, though. Once a week, they let school out an hour early so the teachers could do in-service. I had a hard time getting the swing of that. Fortunately, I was only an hour late each time (arriving at the regular time). I felt like an utter Bozo, though. Gawd.

    Your acetate collages are awesome. Whoa. Maybe there's a way to backlight them for photos. Stick them to a window or something? Because the transparency and glitter and color are so gorgeous!

  2. Ooooooooh yea, I think we've all been there. Some of us more often than we should.

    And I loooooove that new wallet, go on, you can whip up a few more (although I would have that nice yellow and white spotty fabric mucked up way too quickly1)

  3. That sounds like so much adult art date! I love your creation!

  4. LOL! I was late getting Zach from kindergarten on Monday. I was all busy writing a puppet script for Sunday. I suddenly saw the time and left in a hurry. He and one little girl were the last two there. I have an alarm set on my cell phone to go off at 3:10 every day now. That's just enough time for me to wake up Lane if he's asleep and get him in the van to go get Zach and actually be on time.
