Thursday, August 21, 2008

Just... can't... get it together....

I've been trying for the last week or so to get it together enough to either post pictures of our San Fran trip or actually post about something crafty. And yet, I still can't seem to get it all together.

I think it must be a post-stress let down or something, but I've frankly been stupid and lazy. Seriously. Like, today was the first day of classes (I teach online), and I had to upload all my files and update the syllabus and all that jazz. So I'm looking at my computer screen thinking to myself that I needed to open the syllabus file. And then I realize that I'm actually clueless as to how to do it. Finally, like a stroke of genius, I remember that one would use Dreamweaver to edit an HTML file. I'm not joking. This thought process took, like, 5 minutes to complete. I feel kinda sorry for my students this semester. Apparently their instructor is a little slow on the uptake.

On a fun note, I have a quick little weekend trip planned. I'm driving up to Fort Smith to visit my friend Scarlett. From there, we're going to go to Eureka Springs for a writer's workshop. I really have no idea what to expect, but it should be really interesting. Here's hoping that I can recover a few brain cells between now and then!!


  1. I think you need a drink with a bunch of caffeine. I hope you snap out of it and that you have a great time with Scarlett in Eureka Springs.

  2. Ooooooo, I wish I were going with y'all! Waaaaa. The workshop will be so much fun, and it will get your synapses all tuned up, too! Be prepared to recite everything you learned over a pitcher of margaritas when you get back!

  3. Have a great time! A weekend away, sounds like bliss...
    Let me know if it helps the brain function, if so I'll book one straight away.

  4. oh the workshp sounds fabulous! Have fun!

  5. Well no wonder! You've had quite a lot of stressers in your life, lately, haven't you! It takes me five minutes to complete one thought process and I haven't even had all of that stress!!

    Good luck getting it together! It will happen eventually!
