Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Back in town & getting caught up...

Have you noticed that there are some weeks that just seem longer than others? Not in a long, drawn out, will-this-week-ever-end kind of way, but in the way that a bunch of really big stuff happens one day after the next? There's just so much to do, so much to take in, that it really seems like it would take longer than just the week for it all to happen.

Yeah, I had one of those weeks. It started out sad with the news that my grandfather had passed, then moved into busy while we took care of the funeral arrangements, writing the obituary, and then preparing to go out of town. My mother, sister, and grandmother traveled to Alabama for the funeral, but my immediate family went the other direction instead to attend a wedding in San Francisco. (Just the act of packing required that we run 6 loads of laundry and that I go out and purchase a cold weather dressy outfit, a rare find in a town that was still seeing 100+ temps last week.) I felt a bit bad going to do a fun thing while everyone else was doing a somber thing, but our trip had been planned for months, and we'd had plenty of time to say all the goodbyes we needed.

Anyway, I'm back from out of town and trying now to get caught up. (Got a jillion blog posts to read!) We had an absolutely glorious time in San Francisco. I'll post some pics as soon as we get them pulled off the camera.


  1. Glad you had a good time in San Fran and that you had a safe trip.

    So, do you have a SU catty yet? I want one, and the online version won't download for me, at least not yet.

  2. I am SOOOO glad you're bag. I had to snort laugh all by myself. It's just not the same.

  3. My old home and still my favorite city! Hope you had a great time there, SF couldn't let you down. Glad you were warned about the chilly Summer weather.

  4. I think its good that you went for the fun trip - the soul can use a little happiness <3

    Can't wait to see the pics!

  5. Welcome back! I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. I'm glad you got to go to the wedding in SF. Take some time for yourself and love on your family. You deserve a break!


  6. Welcome back. Glad you had a good time.

  7. So happy to hear y'all had a good trip and are home safely!
