Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Tissue paper collage

I'm guessing that's what I'd call it. It's kind of a franken-craft, a smattering of this technique and that all kinda ramshackled together to get this:

It's basically layers of sewing pattern tissue and die-cut shapes from colored tissue, with some drips from stamp pad reinkers for extra color. It's layered on acetate so it's a little see-through. (I photo'd it on top of some patterned paper to help show that.)

I'm really pleased with this effect. The pattern tissue makes the colors all warm and golden, and the mixed colors of tissue paper shapes and the reinker drops give it kind of a random effect, as do the printed lines here and there. And what you can't see in the picture is how SHINY this thing is. *sigh* It just makes me happy.

I actually ended up liking the composition on the one above so much that I'm a bit reluctant to cut it up. However, there were a couple of other sheets that I was more than okay with cutting up. They ended up as greeting cards

and bookmarks.

This bookmark is gonna have a gold grommet through the top, as soon as I can sweet talk hubby into setting it for me. Pitiful, I know, but I'm not one to be trusted with things that can smash my fingers or inflict damage to body.

Oh, and I just had to post the picture below. This is what happens when the little girl is unplugged from any electronic babysitters and left to her own devices for playtime.

She's sporting a paper headband that she designed and, except for the taping bit, executed all by herself. Her outfit was chosen because she and her pretend friends were going on an "adventure." The picture doesn't show it, but she's wearing fur-lined boots. And that jacket is very pink and VERY furry. Fine attire for July in Arkansas, I know, but I do love seeing where her mind takes her, and I love watching her conceive of a project and then complete all the steps necessary to make it happen.


  1. Olivia is so adorable...brings back memories of Jennifer playing with her Holly Hobbie kitchen set...little girls are so wonderful..I loved her adventure outfit..she was prepared for any adventure for sure!

  2. Olivia looks like a princess in a colorful forrest somewhere .... what a cutie pie!

    I love your handmade (take it where it took you) technique! Love the effect.

    You are so talented!


  3. Frakencraft! Frankencraft! Yes, yes, yes. I love your brain.

    This technique is so awesome. I cannot wait to play with it myself. And I'm awed by the uses you found for it. The card and bookmark are exquisite.

    I love Livvie's brain, too. Of course she needed a fur jacket and fur-lined boots to go on an adventure in the refrigerator. Maybe she has a little C. S. Lewis in her. :)

  4. Love the look of the tissue paper and reinkers.
    Olivia is too cute!

  5. Oh wow, I bet that top tissue paper collage would look really cool up against a window with the sun hitting it :-)

    You're so crafty dear! The card and the bookmark turned out wonderfully!

    Olivia is just adorable - she looks like a lil hippie :-)

  6. nice colours on the collage and cute kid!! nancy

  7. Our kids are completely opposites when it comes to dressing. Gracie's "adventure" attire is her underpants and nothing else. Kids are such characters!!

    I love your tissue paper technique! So fun!!!

  8. The art technique with the pattern is really interesting and so creative! you really make beautiful cards!! I love those in your shop!

    Your cute!

  9. oh I had one of those girls! we'd go clothes shopping when she was about the age of Olivia, and anything with sparkles, feathers or fur were on her "must have" list. She's scaled back a bit since then.

    The card is FAB-O!!! I'll have to go dig out some patterns...

  10. Looks like I'm late to this party, but I wanted to let you know that I really like the card made out of the tissue paper and pattern collage.

  11. Lovely stuff! Mother and daughter are both very creative!
