Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Best laid plans...

Before I start my blog post, I just gotta share this. This morning as I'm drinking my coffee and catching up on my Google reader reading, I noticed that Alexa over at The Swell Life gave me a shoutout. How cool is that???

Anyways, go check it out. And check out the rest of her blog, too. She's got some really cool photography up there, as well as accounts of other crafty ventures and random musings from her life. Altogether a really good read.

Now back to the regularly scheduled blog post...


Okay, so it's like day one million in our heat wave here in Arkansas, or at least it feels like it, and we were faced with yet another day around the house. At temps predicted to get above 100 degrees, it was too even for the pool.

Given that we were stuck inside the house for most of the day, Liv thought it would be a good idea to make cupcakes. What the hell, I thought, why not? But we're out of cupcake liners so I thought it would be fun to give our new cake pans a try.

Well, new to us cause really they're pretty old, got them at an estate sale and all. It really was a cool little estate sale treasure. It's a set of three nested pans, with the largest about 8 inches in diameter and the smallest 4 inches at most.

I pictured in my head that we could make the cutest little miniature tiered wedding-cake styled little tea party creation, but when it was all said and done Liv didn't want me to stack the cakes. I think the small-medium-large thing really sunk in her head because she declared that these three cakes were birthday cakes for baby kitty, mama kitty, and daddy kitty (all stuffed animals).

I tried and tried and tried to talk her into stacking them, but when she gently placed her hand on my arm and looked squarely into my eyes and said, "We can make a stacked cake the next time," I caved. So instead of the fancy girly-girly stacked little number, we ended up with this:

The smallest cake really looked more like a pale yellow iced ball than a cake, but she was pleased with our little creation. Especially after I let her put a few candles in it. It's a birthday cake for baby kitty, after all.

And of course after we put the candles in, we had to light them and sing happy birthday to baby kitty. My mother was there and joined in, and it was all big fun. Then we cut the little cake and Liv sat in her "big toy kitchen" and had a little party with the kitties.


  1. A kitty birthday party! How fun is that?

    Happy Birthday baby kitty!


  2. You're famous! You're famous! It's because you ROCK!

    I totally love it when Livvie models the behavior her mommy shows her every day, like that gentle offer to stack the cakes next time. That sure is a well-loved kiddo!

  3. Don't ya love it when they start using your lines? Too funny!

  4. Aw thanks for my shoutout :)

    Your daughter is so sweet. I love her kitty sitting next to her. Adorable. My neice has better ideas a lot of time, too, and I have to do everything in my power not to do something a certain way, because that's the way she wants it. I guess that's good though that we support them in their own ideas.

  5. Now that sounds like the perfect summer day (when it's too hot to go outside).

    Cake is sounding mighty fine right about now.

  6. Too cute! I think Liv maybe needs her own Pot Pie Blog now too. She could pass along her words of wisdom and share her secrets to fabulous crafts and such.

  7. First of all, you have the dishes I want. I love them.

    And second, as cute as that tiered cake would have been, I think Liv had the right idea. Because putting them in a tiered cake would mean you have only one cake... but you had three! Everyone knows that three is better than one, when it comes to cake!!

    And you have given me an idea to have a stuffed animal brownie party (we don't have cake mix and I always have to follow a package) for the girls tomorrow. :) Yay
