Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ribbon, ribbon, aaaaaahhhhh!!!!

Last week my studio reached a new level of messy. I've always had the surfaces and floor cluttered with piles, but until last week I could easily work (and step) around them. But last week as I stepped over a pile, my feet ended up going where they weren't supposed to and I crushed in the top of one of my storage boxes. Ack!!! Personal injury is one thing, but the the potential to injure my craft supplies...

I realized that I'd have to step in and figure something out. The hardest part was actually stepping in - stepping in over boxes and piles and bags....

My first thought was to switch all the supplies out on one set of shelves for all the paper and ephemera stashed in a set of two drawers. The idea was to get the stuff I needed to paw through out in the open so as to avoid the tendency to take stuff out of the drawer and never put it back. (Hence the piles on the floor.) Of course, what ended up happening was that I got everything out of the drawers and sorted into neat piles. And THEN I got overwhelmed by the organizational challenges and everything has since stayed in piles on the floor, though they are no longer nice and neat.

So yesterday my mother had the little girl over at her house all day. After making a few new playing-card-cards for my Etsy shop, I got the nerve to go in there again. Still overwhelmed by the piles, I set my sights further back into the room. On the... (insert ominous music here) RIBBON PILE!!!

Most people have their ribbons in cute little jars or on spools hanging from the wall. Mine was in a huge pile by my craft table. Huge pile meaning the entire bottom shelf of a set of shelves and about 3 square feet surrounding the bottom shelf.

So I hauled all the ribbon out of the room and in front of the TV, where I proceeded to watch some REALLY BAD daytime television and sort ribbon for 2 hours. Yes, 2 HOURS it took. But now the ribbon is all neat and orderly, divided out by color and stored in plastic containers stacked neatly on the bottom shelf by the foot of the craft table. Yay for me!!!!

Maybe I'll get brave enough to tackle the drawer-shelf switcheroo again.

This has all got me wondering - does anyone else have an overwhelming craft space? Anyone interested in a studio clean-along?


  1. My studio is so bad, I'm trying to hire my daughter and her boyfriend to empty it so I can start over. Gah. But it has to wait until the current projects are out the door. And there may never be a break between projects...

  2. LOL, I am cracking up so much right now, because I'm blog cruising because I'm stalling about cleaning my craft closet (which has been pulled apart and is completely taking over the hall right now). And my lovely ribbons are all mixed up, tangled, and knotted in a plastic Target bag. No nice little ribbon organization for me!!

  3. You ought to post before & after pics... thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Yikes - a clean-along would probably have to take all year to get through my room.

  5. ALways! I tidy it up, it lasts about a day and then I'm back where I started. Having a 6 year old crafter in the house doesn't help.

  6. That pretty much sums up my work space only swap out the ribbon for paper :-)

    Once I clean it and organize it I cant find a thing, but when its a disaster I know exactly where what I'm looking for it

    Organized Chaos!
