Thursday, June 5, 2008

A little piece of heaven

Tonight I was fortunate enough to have one of my most favorite foods for dinner tonight. A veritable Southern delicacy, some might say. And what is this most delicious food?

A tomato sandwich.

Doesn't that just make you drool? And it's made the RIGHT way, meaning vine-ripened locally grown tomatoes, chilled in the fridge before slicing, layered on toasted white bread, still warm and spread with mayonnaise, and finished off with paper thin slivers of cold, crunchy Vidalia onion.

Then again, maybe it doesn't make you drool. Maybe you're a -gasp!- tomato hater. I've found that one either loves tomatoes, can't get enough of them, or hates them and refuses to let them pass the threshold of their mouth. My daughter falls into the latter group, though I suspect with if she ever actually ATE a bit of tomato she might change her mind. Or perhaps that's just my wishful thinking.
There's also the tomatoes-only-in-spaghetti-sauce-or-salsa camp, which the group that my husband falls into. Either way, there's no chance that either of them will sit down to a tomato with me, which makes a meal like I had tonight a rare occasion.


  1. Oooooooooooo. I wish I'd eaten dinner at YOUR house last night. The best tomatoes in the world grew in my grandma's back yard. I sure wish I could still sink my teeth into one of those!

  2. It looks good. I must try one.

  3. I'm in Tony's camp. And I strongly suspect that you are wrong about Miss O. I think if she actually ate a tomato raw, she'd probably throw up. LOL!

    I am very happy that you got to eat one of your favorite dinners, though. And equally glad that I had something else at my house for dinner.

  4. Hmmm, were those vegetables you were eating??? Okay, okay, tomatoes are technically fruit, but the onion, that's a veggie right? (Did I imagine it, or do you usually not do veggies?)

  5. I'd like it with some sharp English white cheddar. I generally have to have cheese on things to love and adore them. Sorry, for the disappointment. But I love homegrown tomatoes!!!!

  6. just needs bacon and lettuce ...

  7. YUM! Thats my favortie part of growing a zillion of tomatos every summer - the tomato sammys! - gotta add just a lil pepper though, and I'd be all set!

    Grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato slices are pretty darn amazing too!
