Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The weekend turned out okay after all...

Our Memorial Day weekend was off to a pretty lousy start, what with Liv's continued fever virus and all. Turns out it was a 7-DAY virus. UGH. It would seem like it was going away, and then - bam - there it was back again. We spent much of last week crashed out on the couch and watched waaaaay too much television.

By Sunday, we were showing signs that she was on the mend, and by Monday she was feeling pretty nigh back to normal. The sun was shining, with not a cloud in the sky. Off we went to the park, to try out a little motorized airplane that Daddy had picked up for her at the hardware store. (Sensing the picture-taking opportunities, I lugged my camera with me...)

Daddy helps Liv launch her plane...

...and here it is flying high! We were all surprised at how well this little styrofoam plane flew.

Later, Liv headed for the play equipment in the shade. I snapped this picture of her on one of the older climbing pieces. My father used to take my sister and I to this very park when I was a child, and this climbing piece was one of my favorites. Talk about nostalgia...


  1. Just seeing her in that last one, I noticed something I've been noticing in Zach lately. She's really looking grown up. Making me feel a little weepy to think about how fast our babies are growing up. At least you get one more year til kindergarten starts.

    I'm so glad she's feeling better! It sucks to be sick so long.

  2. Cool airplane shot!
    We spent the entire weekend on the couch too..well my case,,on my computer.

  3. So sweet! Did you take swimming photos, too? Or did the storm wreck that plan?

  4. I'm so glad she is feeling better! And let me just say, she is such a little cutie!! She looks like she had fun, and I'm sure she will remember that, rather than all the time being sick. How fun.

  5. Looks like your weekend turned out pretty fabulous, and Liv finally got to get out and get some air and have some fun! Nothing beats that when you've been all cooped up and sick :-)

  6. Anne, I cannot believe how grown up Olivia looks....she gets more beautiful each time I see her. I am glad she is feeling better.
