Thursday, May 15, 2008

Etsy word returns: paean

After a loooong absence, Etsy word is back!!!

It's been a while since I've posted a word, so here's how it goes.

--Each week, I'll post a word and definition (the Word of the Day from

--If you want to play along, find one item listed on Etsy that fits that description in some way or another, and leave me the link as a comment to the post. (I used to ask for several items from each person, but that got to be overwhelming, so let's just leave it at one.)

--After a few days pass, I'll compile those links into one post that shows various Etsy items that match this word.

Today's word is:

paean \PEE-uhn\ noun
1. A joyous song of praise, triumph, or thanksgiving.
2. An expression of praise or joy.

To join in this week, just leave a comment to this post with a link to an item that somehow matches the word "paean". I hope you want to play along. It's always fun to see how different people interpret the same word!


  1. YEA!!! The word game is back!!!

    How about this:

    heh heh heh

  2. Found one! Always liked these

  3. Yay!! This little bird looks like he's singing a happy tune, greeting the sunshine :-)
