Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Casserole is M.I.A.....

...for just a few more days, I hope. It's the end of the semester and my "real job" calls. I've been knee-deep in final papers the last few days, and will be so for at least a few more.

Grading papers always takes a long time for me. I always hated it when I spent hours on a paper only to have an instructor glance over it and assign a blanket grade without letting me know how they arrived there. So now that I'm the one doing the grading, I try to give explanations for all the points I deduct and point out places where students have done well. After all, the point of school is to learn, and you can't learn without knowing what you did right and what you could improve.

Anyways, I promise that as soon as I'm done grading papers I'll start blogging again, and crafting again, and blogging about my crafting again. Surely it will be soon!


  1. You go to school to learn?

    Pishaw - I went to school to being in marching band and go to football games for free :)


    Oh so kidding.

  2. Hang in there, girlfriend. One more week and then you'll have the WHOLE SUMMER off. WoooHOOOO!

  3. Grading is soooooo hard. I don't even have to do papers, just a paragraph for the report cards each term and it takes me hours to do. Good luck!

  4. Hang in there, it's almost over! I did day care with 3 to 5 year olds and the planning of the craft projects for minimal clean up took longer than the project took to make!

  5. Behold! The end is near and the closet is ready for action!
