Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Throwing in the towel

I've been a while coming to this decision, but I've realized that I'm going to take a permanent break from my crafting. It just doesn't bring me the same joy that I feel when I look around my house and see the floors are clean, the dishes are washed, the laundry is folded, and a balanced supper waiting in the fridge. Frankly, I need to quit spending so much time focused on paper and scissors, and more on the really important things in life.

I wish everyone well with their creative endeavors. I'll be checking in every now and then, in between my soap operas and my yoga classes.

Oh yeah, and one more thing - APRIL FOOLS' DAY!!!! Although that should have been obvious from the references to the clean house...


  1. LOL, I totally fell for that!!!!!

    Yes, I am the most gullible person on the planet.

  2. I KNEW there had to be a punchline...crafting godesses extraordinaire don't "throw in the towel" to CLEAN!

  3. I was reading this and thinking.... there HAS to be an April Fools at the bottom!!!


  4. Even as I read the first line, I knew it wasn't for real. Ha ha ha. Good one.

  5. I still think you need my nurses to loosen that ponytail. It's the only explanation for such a train of thought

  6. I'm misty-eyed with my feeling of kinship to you! :) I have to sweep the tile floor to keep from kicking up dustballs the size of my cats, but dust and dishes pile up, and laundry - while it is CLEAN - is piled on the loveseat unfolded. Meanwhile, I utilize the lovely surface of the pool table for cutting fabric...
