Friday, April 18, 2008

A little comic relief on a stressful day.

My grandfather had to go to the hospital today, and Liv got to hang out at daddy's office today while I brought some food up to my mom and grandmother. It was a stressful day, to say the least. At one point the doctors were asking my mother about resucitation and ventillation. Luckily, he stabilized and none of that was necessary. Needless to say, my sinus headache turned into a stress let-down headache.

But then that night after we put Liv to bed, Tony tells me what she said at the office. She was sitting on his desk, within earshot of his officemate, when out of the blue she says:

"I have other daddies that you don't even know about."

Thank God Tony has a good sense of humor and plenty of faith in me!! Otherwise I might have some splainin' to do...


  1. Okay, *still snort laughing* you have GOT to do the detective work to figure out where she came up with THAT!!!And please, please, please tell whatever Tony said in response. *snorting some more*

  2. Hard to type and laugh at the same time! What WAS Tony's answer? Inquiring minds and seriously curious AREtsy's wanna know! And, yeah, what Denise said, where on earth did Liv come up with that one?

  3. I so needed to read something like this tonight.

    The funniest things sometimes come at the end of the more stressful of times. However, that would have been a hoot event during a non-stressful time.

  4. Oh I am soooo sorry about your stressful day! How awful!! But how nice to have a little comic relief, to ease the tension!

    When Gracie was small, she called all of our guy friends, "Dada." Their eyes used to bug out of their heads, but I thought is was hilarious. Luckily, my husband did, too!

  5. That is hysterically funny! I'd like to know where she came up with that one too.

  6. How funny....Kids really do say the darndest things..Just wonder where they come from sometimes.
