Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm a lucky girl, I am!

Look what arrived in the mail for me today!!!

Joan over at Ninimakes sent it to me. Isn't she the sweetest? She had a giveaway on her blog a few weeks ago. She posted pics of where her family would be vacationing, and invited people to guess where it was. It was.... Italy. I am *still* so jealous! (Though spending a week by myself in my house wasn't too shabby, it just does not stand up to ITALY.)

She posted pics on her blog of what she would be sending, but even so I was blown away at my goodies. Everything was packaged so lovingly, wrapped in tissue paper or felt, and tied with pretty ribbons.

Since there were so many goodies, I took divided it out and took multiple pictures.

This is some antique linen, an embroidery motif, a square of the most dreamy silk, and a bit of Bondaweb. I can't wait to make my own little embroidered angel!

This is some art paper from a paper store in Italy. My knees went weak when I pulled it from the envelope. What you can't tell from the picture is that it is full sized art picture and that it is fairly heavy weight.

This is a star ornament. I lurrrv it so much!! Of course, my daughter does too and we've already had a "discussion" about where it will hang.

This is the inside of the Italian craft magazine she sent, Milleidee. If my rough translation is right, that means Thousands of Ideas. Or something like that. And it's true. There are page after page of beautiful decorating and fashion ideas, and then templates at the back so you can make your own.

And if that weren't enough, she included a note in a little handmade card. The little birdie has a bead glued on for an eye, and the heart is edged in glitter.

I feel like a rock star today. Thanks so much!!!!!!

Now everyone, go check out Ninimakes and be inspired. Craft and sewing are infused into every bit of her life, and she writes about it all so beautifully.

Oh, and stay tuned to this channel tomorrow afternoon, when I'll be posting a giveaway of my own. I'm getting ready to reach 1000 unique hits to my blog, and I'll be giving something away to celebrate. Woohoo!!!


  1. I am so completely jealous of you. I love having fabulous packages arrive on my doorstep. And that package does look very, very fabulous!! Yay for you!!

  2. Wow! Talk about one seriously fabulous package! Very drool worthy! Congrats!!! AsaMina loves an excuse to do a happy dance, so she's doing one in your honor now :-)

  3. Oh. My. Gawd. I love it all! You know I'm stealing the wire-and-fabric ornament idea. And I've got to see that mag up close and personal. Like--maybe I'll tell my boss I have a dr. appt. so I can run over to your house in the middle of the morning. :)

    Oh, and as for your giveaway...whatever it is, if you made it, I want it. I'm going to comment over and over on your next post to improve my chances.

  4. Anne, so glad you're enjoying your prize - and really glad it reached you so quickly. Congrats on the 1000 visitors.
    Contests are so fun, can't believe that was my first, might have to have another in May for my first blogiversary - vintage buttons may be involved!
