Friday, April 4, 2008

24 hours...

Tonight in the greater Little Rock area, the big news is that there was a tornado last night. The bigger news in this part of town is that it came through our neighborhood.

I'm happy to say that we, along with all of our loved ones, are all safe and sound, and our house has sustained no damage. A few blocks away and it's a different story. There were trees down all through our neighborhood and many of the streets were not passable this morning.

This is what it looked like throughout the much of my neighborhood. I'm not sure exactly where this was taken, but this is what much of the neighborhood looked like when I went out for coffee this morning. (Power was out and I needed my caffeine! Apparently half of Little Rock had the same idea, cause you wouldn't believe the lines!)

My mother-in-law lives just 5 blocks away and she ended up with a tree across her driveway, a busted skylight, a collapsed lean to and back porch, and a bicycle planted on top of her roof. Next door to her, my 93-year-old grandmother was home when the tornado passed over her house. A large tree very narrowly missed her house and the glass of her patio doors was broken. She rode out the storm in a chair in the bathtub, with a pillow placed around her head. Her garden shed was thrown against her house her house, an transformer came down into her backyard, and my trampoline from my mother-in-law's house ended up over the fence in my grandmother's yard. Across the street, we found the glass garden globe that had been in her front yard. It was strangely unbroken.

It took until 6:00 tonight to get power back, so I spent much of the day hanging out with my sister, my dad, or my mom. Generally, I was a ho for anyone with electricity running to their house. Tonight, the heat is on and I sit in my warm house and I'm typing this blog post, and it's hard to believe that last night was truly less than 24 hours ago. And, but for the storm tracking a few city blocks our direction, how many other possible endings there could have been for that evening.

We have much to be thankful for.


  1. OOOO chills for you and your family! I'm so glad to hear you and your family are all okay, though I would imagine, pretty shaken up.

  2. Im here in Arkanasas too- glad to hear you and yours are safe. I've been browsing your etsy shop and its really fabulous!

  3. I think I'll pack you and your family up and take you to Washington with me. No tornados! I'm so glad you and the WHOLE family were fine. Things can always be replaced, family can't. I do hope all aren't too stressed from the experience.

  4. Anne -
    I had NO idea when I was calling you that night to check on Janna that your neighbborhood had been effected by the storms. Thank goodness you are all alright. There is nothing more terrifying than tornadoes ... and the mystery of how one house is destroyed and the one next door is not touched.

    I don't think I have told you lately what a WONDERFUL writer you are! I was transformed into your blog and felt your angst as you shared your story.

    Blessings to you and yours and let me know if I can help with clean-up on your Mother-in-law's house.


  5. I'm so glad there were no direct hits on y'all. I don't think I realized that your grandmother and mil are next-door neighbors. Ditto everything Kimberly said. And I just have to will y'all get the bicycle off the roof?

  6. OMG, how insane!!! I grew up in the Land of Earthquakes, and the whole tornado thing seems completely unreal.

    I can only imagine what you are going thought after having been through several earthquakes (one really really big one), but I can't imagine how shocking it must be to see what you are seeing: Things being completely uprooted and planted somewhere else... and full of destruction!

    My thoughts and well wishes are with you and everyone you know! Good luck getting everything back together!!

  7. Oh my goodness! Thank god that you and your family are all ok!

    I grew up in Virginia Beach in the midst of LOTS of hurricanes!
    Things come and go and houses can be rebuilt!

    Sending you and your family ooodles of love, prayers, and well wishes

    <3 Amanda
