Friday, January 25, 2008

This one's for you, Denise

So my friend Denise is known for her recycling and upcycling of random would-be-trash into beautiful works of art. She is the laundry lint goddess, and we all pay homage to her with our dryer lint. Whether it's dryer lint, old CDs, or leftover packing material, she collects it and calls it all "art supplies!"(always with the exclamation point).

Tonight I was in my studio punching shapes out of felt and Olivia is digging through the scraps in the trashcan. "There's a whole lot of this in here," she says. "Yes," I respond. Then she asks me, "Why don't we save it and give it to Aunt Denise?"

The child knows you well, Denise!


  1. That is just so cute!! Nice Blog.You know what they say, one mans garbage is another mans treasure. Go Denise!

  2. I bet dryer lint would make everything you put it on smell good. I love the smell of dryer sheet goodness.

  3. Oh man, she's better than me... I can't think of anything to do with dryer lint...

  4. hahahahahaha. I LOVE little Miss O! And obviously she knows me well. After seeing the contents of your trashcan today, I have to admit that I was tempted to dig out your scraps and put them in a baggie!

    Thanks to Janna for a new supply of green dryer lint today, too. And, yes, Idyll, all of my handmade paper smells April fresh!

  5. Dryer lint seems perfectly normal to me---but then I'm one who looked at CD cases and said, "ooh! Perfect splatter gaurds on my birds cages!" Everyone else looks at me like I'm nuts, but they work and my tiels LOVE looking through the colored ones at the world. It's nice to know what to do with my dryer lint now--I won't tell you the look on hubbys face when I told him to start saving the lint :-)
